Community foundations were created to provide a strength in numbers approach to philanthropy that offers people the opportunity to help those that need assistance in the places they call home. By operating under the common mantra that “anyone can be a philanthropist”, community foundations exist as public charities that can provide multi-faceted support to other charitable organizations by connecting donors to those local causes that they hold close to their hearts while offering the largest tax deduction available under current laws.
After setting up an individualized fund that is named by the donor, community foundations take care of the day-to-day administrative responsibilities so that donors may focus solely on their charitable legacies. By partnering with community foundations, donors will be provided with opportunities to support targeted local charitable initiatives that will strengthen the community they call home.
The Community Foundation of Western PA & Eastern OH was established in 1981 in order to empower our region’s incredibly generous citizens.
Because nobody knows a community better than people that live and work in it on a daily basis, our foundation created its affiliate system.
Our six affiliates serve the citizens of the three counties within our service region:
Mercer County
Shenango Valley Foundation
Northern Mercer County Community Foundation
Grove City Foundation
Lawrence County
Lawrence Community Foundation
Trumbull County
Trumbull County Community Foundation
Northern Trumbull County Community Foundation
The governing board of our foundation is made up of members of each affiliate board. This ensures that each community is not only represented but is able to share their experiences in a collaborative manner that will help the entire region.