Filling in the Gaps
The Filling in the Gaps initiative was created in 2017 to support teenage foster children in Lawrence County. Thanks to the community's generosity, local foster children have been able to make over 600 shopping trips to purchase necessities such as toothpaste, underwear, school clothing, shampoo, and soap.
The Lawrence Community Foundation has partnered directly with Lawrence County CYS and CRAY Youth & Family Services to provide toiletries and clothing to these youth who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in a dire situation.
The thank you letters have been at once incredibly gratifying and heart wrenching. The following serves as just a few examples of why this initiative is so vitally important:
Due to coming from a home with bed bugs, one young lady had to leave all of her belongings behind (including clothing). Funds were utilized to buy replacement clothing to ensure she had something to wear before being placed in a foster home.
Trips to Wal-Mart have been described as a “taste of freedom” and the only opportunity some of these children have had to purchase new clothing in lieu of only wearing hand me downs.
Children at a local group home were able to visit the Grove City Outlets to purchase back to school clothes. Some of the children remarked that it was the first time they had been able to return to school wearing clothes that were not handed down to them.
Providing this help to some of the most vulnerable in children in Lawrence County cannot be done without your help. Please click below to make a donation to the program. Thank You!