Having unrestricted funds available allows our affiliate boards to address the most pressing needs in their communities by responding to grant requests from local charitable organizations. The Lawrence Community Foundation calls this “filling in the gaps”, where it is incumbent upon the community to step up and provide assistance where other organizations or the government cannot.
Examples of grants that have been made from unrestricted funds include money to replace the roof on a child care center and funding to help a local substance abuse recovery facility purchase a van to transport its residents.
Many donors have provided unrestricted money as a planned gift to the Community Foundation in order to ensure our organization has the necessary resources to fill any gaps that stand in the way of our region’s success, now and in the future. By giving the Community Foundation the opportunity to proactively address our region’s most pressing needs, unrestricted money truly is the lifeblood of our region.

“Local families are being torn apart. We work with a little girl, Sophia who is eight years old. Her mother left her with a neighbor and never came back for her. “Mom” took her two sisters but left her behind because her new boyfriend did not like Sophia and felt she was too much trouble. Though the state provides no funding for this type of program, with your grant we were able to connect Sophia with a mentor. Her mentor provided her with a friend who she could talk with, look up to and support her through her pain of being abandoned. The mentor helps Sophia with her school work, involved her in activities and had a birthday party for her. Not only did this mentor provide the support and guidance she needed but also celebrated her successes and milestones.”